DARPON Expand URL – Link Unshorting PHP Script
ExpandURL is a link unsporting PHP script. This script gives the user the
power to unshorten short URLs safely! User can find the real link before
clicking or opening the short URL, they will have more power to avoid
hacks, Phishing websites, Malware sites, Spam sites, and virus websites,
by unsporting short URLs before visiting them
Url – http://darpon.net/expand_url/login
Email – nine.anthony@gmail.com
Password – nine.anthony
One-Click Installation Multi Langauge SEO Friendly Clear Code Many More
- PHP >= 7.1.3
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Type PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
One-Click Installation
DARPON Expand URL – Link Unshorting PHP Script
Password: AlBasitSoft.Com